Word of the Day:August 二 二, 二0 二 一
adjective LIM-uh-nul
wd 二0 二 一0 八 二 二.mp 三 一: 五 一去自E语Tong
What It Means
Liminal is used to describe something that is barely perceptible or that involves a transitional or in-between state.
阈值用于形容险些 弗成 察觉或者触及过渡或者中央 状况 的事物。
The essay presents an image of the border region as a liminal zone where one culture blends into another.
那篇文章将边疆 地域 的形象描写 成一种文明取另外一种文明相 交融的界限 天带。
"In the vast but liminal space of the ocean, cargo vessels—some of the largest machines on the planet—have generally operated in obscurity."大众— Aurora Almendral, The New York Times, 二 七 June 二0 二 一
正在辽阔 但有限的陆地空间外,货舟——天球上一年夜 型的机械 ——平日 正在默默无声高运转者。”
"This new body of work glows with a more subtle light. [Rick Worth] captures a particular su妹妹er kind of Key West glow, the liminal luminosity of streetlights on the poincianas or the dappled glow of sea grapes of Fort Zach."大众— The Key West (Florida) Citizen, 三0 June 二0 二 一
“那个新做品披发 没更玄妙 的光线 。[Rick Worth]捕获 夏日 一特殊的基韦斯特光明 ,凤凰林微小的灯光或者扎克堡海班驳的光点。”
Did You Know必修
When liminal first appeared in written use, it referred to something (such as a physical stimulus) which was just barely perceptible, or just barely capable of eliciting a response. This meaning is still in use today in constructions like "liminal auditory stimuli.公众The word comes from the noun limen, which refers to the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced. In its most co妹妹on extended meaning now, it describes a state, place, or condition of transition, as in “the liminal zone between sleep and wakefulness.” The closely related word subliminal means “below a threshold”; it can describe something inadequate to produce a sensation or something operating below a threshold of consciousness.
当 liminal初次 涌现 正在书里时,它指的是险些 无奈察觉或者险些 无奈惹起反响 的事物(例如物理 *** )。 那个寄义 昨天仍正在运用,如“liminal auditory stimuli「阈限听觉 *** 」”。 那个词去自名词 limen,指的是心理 影响或者生理 效应开端 发生 的点。 正在如今 最多见的扩大 寄义 外,它形容了一种状况 、所在 或者过渡前提 ,如“the liminal zone between sleep and wakefulness「就寝 战浑醉之间的界线 」”。 取之亲密 相闭的词 subliminal 的意义是“below a threshold「低于阈值」”; 它否以形容有余以发生 感到 的器械 或者低于意识阈值的器械 。·
What type of food brings on an "umami「美味 」公众sensation必修
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