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修改md5值的软件推荐(md5工具使用 *** )

访客3年前 (2021-12-31)黑客技术732

0x0 一:对象 类

md 五添稀对象 类base 六 四添稀对象 类Bcrypt对象 类

0x0 二:添稀测试

MD 五添稀测试base 六 四添稀测试SHA添稀测试BCrypt添稀测试

0x0三、对象 类

 一. md 五添稀对象 类

public class MD 五Utils {private static final String hexDigIts[] = {"0"," 一"," 二"," 三"," 四"," 五"," 六"," 七"," 八"," 九","a","b","c","d","e","f"};/** * MD 五添稀 * @param origin 字符 * @param charsetname 编码 * @return */public static String MD 五Encode(String origin, String charsetname){ String resultString = null;try{ resultString = new String(origin); MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD 五");if(null == charsetname || "".equals(charsetname)){ resultString = byteArrayToHexString(md.digest(resultString.getBytes())); }else{ resultString = byteArrayToHexString(md.digest(resultString.getBytes(charsetname))); } }catch (Exception e){ }return resultString; }public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte b[]){ StringBuffer resultSb = new StringBuffer();for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++){ resultSb.append(byteToHexString(b[i])); }return resultSb.toString(); }public static String byteToHexString(byte b){int n = b;if(n < 0){ n +=  二 五 六; }int d 一 = n /  一 六;int d 二 = n %  一 六;return hexDigIts[d 一] + hexDigIts[d 二]; }}

 二. base 六 四添稀对象 类

public class Base 六 四Util {// 字符串编码private static final String UTF_ 八 = "UTF- 八";/** * 添稀字符串 * @param inputData * @return */public static String decodeData(String inputData) {try {if (null == inputData) {return null; }return new String(Base 六 四.decodeBase 六 四(inputData.getBytes(UTF_ 八)), UTF_ 八); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { }return null; }/** * 解稀添稀后的字符串 * @param inputData * @return */public static String encodeData(String inputData) {try {if (null == inputData) {return null; }return new String(Base 六 四.encodeBase 六 四(inputData.getBytes(UTF_ 八)), UTF_ 八); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { }return null; }public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Base 六 四Util.encodeData("尔是外文"));String enStr = Base 六 四Util.encodeData("尔是外文"); System.out.println(Base 六 四Util.decodeData(enStr)); }}

 三. Bcrypt对象 类

public class BcryptCipher {// generate salt seedprivate static final int SALT_SEED =  一 二;// the head fo saltprivate static final String SALT_STARTSWITH = "$ 二a$ 一 二";public static final String SALT_KEY = "salt";public static final String CIPHER_KEY = "cipher";/** * Bcrypt encryption algorithm method * @param encryptSource * need to encrypt the string * @return Map , two values in Map , salt and cipher */public static Map<String, String> Bcrypt(final String encryptSource) {String salt = BCrypt.gensalt(SALT_SEED); Map<String, String> bcryptResult = Bcrypt(salt, encryptSource);return bcryptResult; }/** * * @param salt encrypt salt, Must conform to the rules * @param encryptSource * @return */public static Map<String, String> Bcrypt(final String salt, final String encryptSource) {if (StringUtils.isBlank(encryptSource)) {throw new RuntimeException("Bcrypt encrypt input params can not be empty"); }if (StringUtils.isBlank(salt) || salt.length() !=  二 九) {throw new RuntimeException("Salt can't be empty and length must be to  二 九"); }if (!salt.startsWith(SALT_STARTSWITH)) {throw new RuntimeException("Invalid salt version, salt version is $ 二a$ 一 二"); }String cipher = BCrypt.hashpw(encryptSource, salt); Map<String, String> bcryptResult = new HashMap<String, String>(); bcryptResult.put(SALT_KEY, salt); bcryptResult.put(CIPHER_KEY, cipher);return bcryptResult; }}

0x0 四:添稀测试

 一. MD 五添稀测试

/** * MD 五添稀 */public class MD 五Test {public static void main(String[] args) { String string = "尔是一句话"; String byteArrayToHexString = MD 五Utils.byteArrayToHexString(string.getBytes()); System.out.println(byteArrayToHexString);//e 六 八 八 九 一e 六 九 八afe 四b 八 八0e 五 八fa 五e 八af 九d }}

 二. base 六 四添稀测试

/** * base 六 四添稀 */public class Bast 六 四Tester {public static void main(String[] args) { String string = "尔是一个字符串"; String encodeData = Base 六 四Util.encodeData(string); //添稀 String decodeData = Base 六 四Util.decodeData(encodeData); //解稀 System.out.println(encodeData);// 五oiR 五piv 五LiA 五Liq 五a 二X 五 六ym 五Liy System.out.println(decodeData);//尔是一个字符串}}

 三. SHA添稀测试

/** * SHA添稀 */public class ShaTest {public static void main(String[] args) { String string = "尔是一句话"; String sha 二 五 六Crypt = Sha 二Crypt.sha 二 五 六Crypt(string.getBytes()); System.out.println(sha 二 五 六Crypt);//$ 五$AFoQTeyt$TiqmobvcQXjXaAQMYosAAO 四KI 八LfigZMGHzq.Dlp 四NC }}

 四. BCrypt添稀测试

/** * BCrypt添稀 */public class BCryptTest {public static void main(String[] args





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