kamenori foundation thank-you note dear kamenori, i 三 九;m very grateful for giving me thisopportunity to kamenori foundation, this is kamenori foundation to give me ascholarship, i can be a chinaand japanexchange student. i am very happy, because my first visit to japan, this is a exchange students i can furtherunderstand japan.perhaps, i still can become friendly relations between china and japan 三 九;s representative. because japan is i amlonging for the country. now, i will go to japan. i heard that japan has a lotof food, such as japanese ramen, sushi, great kanto cook, tuna and many otherfood. of course the japanese kimono is also very beautiful, japanese cherryblossom and mount fuji, this beautiful scenerylet us linger. this time i as an exchange student i can not only learn aboutjapanese culture, school, living habits, i also want to know that i 三 九;m moreinterested in japanese anime. i think the japanese anime is not only shows thejapanese culture, but also shows that the japanese unique imagination, such asa block, naruto etc excellent cartoon, not only in the world popular, andjapanese culture of the world, this is very unique. i hope i go to japan, i will have a very deep memory, there wasa lot of friends, learn about japanese culture, become china and japanthe friendly relations between the witnesses. then i get a scholarship, i a妹妹ore sure i will be very good in japan, the japanese family getalong well. so, iam very grateful to the kamenori foundation to give me a scholarship andopportunity, so that i can be in japan to learn more, learn more,make more friends, and at the same time, this to my future plan has a betterfoundation. congratulations afs program students.
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