不知道你在说些什么 如果是震撼的话 整片子这个最震撼了
《Carmina Burana》(布兰诗歌)在百度MP3上搜“布兰诗歌”就可以找到了。注意,好多人把era改编的《the mass》当做是布兰诗歌,不过推荐听一下,也很有气势。
01. Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson
02. Spybreak - Propellerheads
03. Bad Blood - Ministry
04. Clubbed to Death [Kurayamino Mix] - Rob D.
05. Prime Audio Soup - Meat Beat Manifesto
06. Leave You Far Behind - Lunatic Calm
07. Mindfields - The Prodigy
08. Dragula [Hot Rod Herman Remix] - Rob Zombie
09. My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones
10. Ultrasonic Sound - Hive
11. Look to Your Orb for the Warning - Monster Magnet
12. Hast - Rammstein
13. Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine
Wake Up
Rock is Dead
Calm Like a Bomb
Sleeping Awake
When the World Ends
Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine
Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson
01. Rock Is Dead - Marilyn Manson
02. Spybreak - Propellerheads
03. Bad Blood - Ministry
04. Clubbed to Death [Kurayamino Mix] - Rob D.
05. Prime Audio Soup - Meat Beat Manifesto
06. Leave You Far Behind - Lunatic Calm
07. Mindfields - The Prodigy
08. Dragula [Hot Rod Herman Remix] - Rob Zombie
09. My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones
10. Ultrasonic Sound - Hive
11. Look to Your Orb for the Warning - Monster Magnet
12. Hast - Rammstein
13. Wake Up - Rage Against the Machine
下面是鲜为人知的Complele Motion Picture Score
1. Main Title
2. Trinity Infinity
3. Follow Instructions
4. The White Rabbit
5. Sneak Rue Eve
6. Unable to Speak
7. Road To Truthville
8. The Lafayette Mirror
9. The Power Plant
10. Welcome to the Real World
11. Introductions
12. The Truth
13. No Return
14. Training (Bow Whisk Orchestra)
15. Switch or Break Show
16. The Jump Program
17. I Don't Remember You Bringing me Dinner
18. The Sewers
19. Want a Drink?/The Turncoat
20. Departure Arrival
21. Spoonboy Sermon
22. Oracle Honesty
23. The Hotel Ambush- Exit Mr. Hat
24. Cypher Punk
25. Think Tank
26. A Virus
27. Let's Go
28. Bullet-time
29. You Move Like They Do
30. Ontological Shock
31. The Subway Fight
32. Neo on the Run
33. Anything is Possible
片尾曲有两首,RATM的Wake Up和Manson的Rock Is Dead
酒吧里的是Rob Zombie的Dracula
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